8 Easy Steps to a Good Article

Your time is valuable, which is why you came to Photoboss in the first place. With 15 to 30 minutes of work you can change your article to something you will be proud to have your customers read. The longer your customer spends on your website and stay engaged, the better for you.

Format your article correctly

This will help your websites SEO and more importantly, keeps your audience from being bored and bouncing

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Interlink Articles

Your goal should be referencing 4 to 5 other website pages on related topics making it clear where the link takes you.

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Short Paragraphs

Nobody wants to read an essay, especially on mobile. One to Two sentence paragraphs are easier to digest

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Charts and Tables

IF you present, in a chart, a bunch of specs or features showing how your product compares to the competition, you'll make your visitors happy

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Answer questions

Most people are looking for correct information. If you provide concise answers they'll stick around

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Add Photos

Don't bore your visitors with a wall of text. Break up your article with pictures, infographics, and tables. Re-use on other posts.

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Embed YouTube videos

Its easy and perfectly legal to do. There are videos for everything. Find a relevant one, embed it. If its your own video, even better.

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Personalize the Article

A quick anecdote about your take on the article will keep your audience around longer. Nobody can relate to an AI language model(yet)

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